In late 2015 a friend of mine had been working out at a CrossFit gym. He recommended it to me because I complained of a cycle of high motivation followed by a plateau in results and then a fall-off in consistency. We’ve all been there. A good workout that someone else was designing (that I could just show up to) seemed like a great next step in my fitness journey. I started regularly attending with my then-partner.
The first few years were transformative for me because I had rediscovered a dormant part of myself. I developed greater intimacy with my body, and I found the process to be almost meditative. During workouts, the physical intensity and the cognitive demands forced me to filter out everything but the workout itself. The music would fade, and there my beating heart and my working breath would be the only things in my universe. I’d never experienced such devotion to the present moment. I had never been able to (or been given permission to) grow such capacities — climbing rope, dangling purposefully from a pull-up bar, moving a heavy barbell around my body, etc. Held by the community and the coach, over time, I found a sense of physical strength and what I call, “general badassery.” Suffice it to say, I came for the surface-level stuff, and I stayed for the deeper stuff: community, discipline, and the connections between fitness and life's bigger lessons. I found a calling to share my experience and general badassery, and to become a guide for others in their fitness journeys with a holistic, body-positive, functional approach. Since, I've trained people of all ages and diverse backgrounds, customizing my services to meet my clients' needs. I also share in the joy of coaching CrossFit classes, and I am always building on and improving my craft as a coach. Some other things about me: