As an Emergency Doctor, I see patients with all kinds of health problems. Many of them ask me “How do I get better?” I often prescribe them medication or refer them to a specialist, but over the years this felt more like ‘slowing badness’ than ‘creating goodness’ because most medications only mitigate the harmful effects of a disease without ever curing it.
I became a personal trainer to follow through on my goal to help people see true change in their health through the best medicines ever studied: diet and exercise. These two things are a potent force in decreasing harmful effects of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and in some cases can even cure them. My personal fitness goals blend a combination of powerlifting with bodybuilding, sometimes referred to as ‘powerbuilding.’ I want to look strong and also BE strong. This gives me confidence in both my appearance and in my physical strength. I like to train clients towards their own fitness goals in ways THEY find fun, which is the #1 factor in adhering to a workout plan. My goal after each session is for clients to leave with pride knowing they took another step toward improving themselves.